No Money for Food is Cent$less

No money for food

What is the problem?

Food insecurity – not having enough money to buy food – affects 14% of households in Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph. When income is too low, people do not have enough money for rent, bills AND food.

  • 14% of households are food insecure in our region, 1 in 10 residents are living in poverty
  • Social assistance rates are not enough – 64% of Ontario households reliant on social assistance are food insecure
  • Incomes are not enough for many working people – almost 60% of food insecure households in Ontario have employment income

Why does food insecurity matter?

Food insecurity takes a serious toll on people’s health. Adults in food insecure households are more likely to suffer from chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Children are more likely to suffer from mental health problems and teenagers are at greater risk of depression, social anxiety and suicide. Being food insecure is strongly associated with being a higher user of healthcare.

What can we do?

Income solutions such as a basic income guarantee, a living wage and social assistance rates geared to the real cost of living are needed so that everyone has the money they need for basic needs, including food.

We must make this an issue for the 2018 provincial election! Your voice matters!
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