People With Lived Experience

People With Lived Experience

VOICES of Lived Experience Dufferin is an equity based poverty advocacy group consisting of people with lived experience of poverty (PWLE).

It is supported by the DCEC and its members, as well as community partners including HCIA. In 2022, VOICES was established with the goal of increasing equity for people who live in poverty in Dufferin County by involving PWLE in community decision making processes (Crawford et al., 2020; Staley & Abbey Vital, 2019).

Research has shown that involving PWLE in such processes leads to more effective and relevant solutions to complex social problems (Raja, 2018), while also breaking down barriers and reducing stigma associated with poverty (Minkler , 2005).

Our Current Focus:

  1. Group Health & Learning we have participated in on line workshops and diversity training to inform our work
  2. Consulting – Offering a Voice of Lived Experience
  3. Development of a Framework of Tool Kit + Recommended Resources for organizations working with PWLE. This includes community survey for those experiencing homeless
  4. Changing Perceptions of Poverty Community – Learning & Sharing Our Stories (Framework & Conversation Café)
  5. Eventual sharing of our Internal Processes/Methodologies with Other PWLE Groups + Resources
  6. Support DCEC Priority Pillars & Working Groups with consultations/collaborations