Age-Friendly Needs Assessment and Strategic Action Plan

Did you know?
Older adults (55 years of age, or older) represented approximately 27.7% of the total population in Dufferin County, and by 2041 older adults are forecast to account for approximately 36.2%!
The Dufferin County Age-Friendly Needs Assessment and Strategic Action Plan represents the culmination of extensive background research and community consultation that has been used to establish a proactive approach to the delivery of policies, programs and services that help older adult residents maintain their independence as they age.
Community engagement undertaken as part of the Age-Friendly Needs Assessment and Strategic Action Plan included input from local residents, private businesses, community organizations and municipal staff. Going forward, collaboration and partnerships will be fundamental to transform Dufferin County into a vibrant and diverse age-friendly community that is flexible and responsive to the needs of the aging population.
The term “older adults” refers to individuals who are 55 years of age, or older. However, it is recognized that older adults are not homogeneous and there is significant diversity within this population segment. Older adults have represented the fastest growing segment of the local population in Dufferin County during the past decade and are forecast to represent an increasing share of the population in Dufferin County over the next two decades.
As of 2016, older adults represented approximately 27.7% of the total population in Dufferin County, and by 2041 older adults are forecast to account for approximately 36.2% of the total population in Dufferin County. Therefore, it is necessary for Dufferin County to implement an innovative and forward-thinking approach to the delivery of policies, programs and services necessary to address the existing and future needs of older adult residents
Read the full Dufferin County Age-Friendly Needs Assessment and Strategic Action Plan!