6 Month Health Equity Pilot Project

Did You Know?
We’re removing barriers to house bound clients accessing the food bank.
Orangeville Food Bank (OFB) in collaboration with Central West Local Health Integration Network (CWLHIN) and the Dufferin Area Family Health Team (DAFHT) have partnered on a six month pilot project to remove barriers to food access for area residents.
Staff from the Central West LHIN and DAFHT will have access to prepacked boxes of non perishable food containing 3 days worth of food at their agencies. These boxes can be taken on home visits or available when clients attend appointments. In addition non perishable food will be accessible to clients with in the office of the DAFHT. This provides an opportunity to introduce clients to the services of the food bank including access to perishable foods while providing immediate hunger relief.
For clients that are house bound both agencies will be able to take orders from clients for perishable and non perishable items, orders will be packed by OFB and picked up by agency staff when attending the next home visit.
Central West LHIN and DAFHT will access the data system, LINK2Feed to input the intake information for clients which will also provide data on a monthly basis to all three agencies.
- Offer Home Delivery to clients that are house bound to increase access to food
- Offer access to perishable and non perishable foods in a community setting
- Expand the knowledge of food resources available within the community
- To reduce stigma surrounding accessing food assistance