DC MOVES Forum – Thursday February 8, 2018

Resource Sharing

Please join us for the next DC MOVES Forum to receive updates on the priorities, learn from local service providers and discuss projects in development. #DCMOVEScommunitywellbeing Who Lindsay Cline, WDG Public Health – Recreation Study Rita Sethi, WDG Public Health – Local impact of…

Community Poverty Reduction Summit

Poverty Reduction

The Dufferin County Poverty Reduction Task Force (DCPRTF) invites you to learn more about poverty in Dufferin County and how we can work together to reduce its impact. When: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 – 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm Where: Salvation Army New Hope…

Bridges Out of Poverty

Addressing poverty is the responsibility of the whole community. The Bridges Out of Poverty workshop provides key strategies when working with individuals living in poverty. Gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and strengths of people living in poverty. Topics include: Increasing awareness of…